Sunday, August 07, 2005

You so fit the profile

The only color is white
Nothing else is right
No, we’re not being racial
You just need is a quick facial
We’re sorry it’s not our fault
Get used to living in a vault
Resistance is futile
You so fit the profile

It’s your tan
Are you woman or man?
You don’t look like us
You’ve got no right to kick up a fuss
You middle name is suspicious
Our paranoia is not fictitious
Resistance is futile
You so fit the profile

You look un-Caucasian
It’s unfortunate you’re Asian or African
Yes, we have little basis
We’re just trying to make our land an oasis
Don’t make this ugly
All browns are the same to me
Resistance is futile
You so fit the profile

Are you here on pleasure or business?
What’s the length of your penis?
You look like that guy on TV
A definite threat to national security
Like the loser who serves me my Big Mac
Sorry dude, you’re going to have to go back
Resistance is futile
You so fit the profile

We gave them visas
They took us for a ride
We were made fools of
We can’t let the enemy inside
Better submit to our will
Swallow the bitter pill
Resistance is futile
You so fit the profile